
CV photo 5 lighter round

Hi, I’m Jacques de Satgé. I’m a PhD student studying conservation biology at Massey University in Aotearoa New Zealand. From time to time I upload my thoughts in blog-form to draw attention to nature conservation, as well as to reflect on my travels and experiences as a biologist, international student, intern, and young scientist.


About this blog:

This blog is not a monthly-article, subscription-style service but rather an online platform to share my stories, ideas, and photos when inspiration strikes. It started as a way to share my travels with family when I left home to greener (read, wetter) pastures in Europe. While my mother and her friends undoubtedly remain my core readership, this blog is also for those that want to chat conservation, hear tales of travel, and share insights about science communication.

About me:

I’ve always been curious about the intricacies of ecology, and I’ve been fortunate to work in many diverse habitats around the globe. My path into conservation biology was paved by childhood holidays spent alongside winding estuaries, in towering mountain ranges, and by roaring seas in my home country, South Africa. I’ve always wanted to write about the natural world, and it was an easy decision to start my undergraduate studies in biology and journalism at the University of Cape Town (UCT) in 2010. However, the allure of spending field seasons in the wilderness pulled me fully into the natural sciences, and I completed my degree in Applied Biology and Ecology at UCT in 2013 (including a stint on exchange at York University in Toronto). Needing a break from academia after my BSc, I headed north (very north) to take on a year-long job as a ranger on the German island of Sylt. Thereafter, I completed my Masters in ‘Biodiversity: Conservation and Restoration’ at the University of Antwerp in Belgium in 2016. Today, my biology journey has brought me to Auckland, where I roam mangroves forests in search of cryptic birds and a PhD thesis.